Plum Beach Garden Club
Event chairperson, Cathy Shippee, and a team of many other members created a festive setting at the Wickford Yacht Club.
2018 Christmas Party and New Officer Installation

Past presidents were honored: left to right - Cathy Shippee, Nancy Harrington, Donna Dufault, Linda Sollito, Anne O'Neil, Sue Shriner, Betty Sue Reed and Barbara Dawson.
The new Board was sworn in by Blakely Szosz, President of RIFGC (3rd from right) -
Left to right: Marion Bartkiewicz, Kathy Romeo, Ellen Abell, Linda Oliver Hughes, Elaine Lemieux, Diane Devine. Missing are Judy Bitting and Jane Brockway.

Members were given Plum Beach Garden Club Totes in celebration of our 90th Birthday

Dunes Club Lunch June 2017

Blakely Szosz,
landscape designer and
President of the RIFGC,
demonstrated how to
create beautiful planted
containers that become
the finishing touch
- the jewelry -
in any landscape.

More than 300 guests enjoyed an inspiring Program, a light and lovely
summer lunch, and a
very exuberant Auction
of delightful treasures.

A few of the treasures offered in the
always-fabulous Auction ...