Plum Beach Garden Club
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Plum Beach Garden Club
is a group of
gardeners dedicated
to community
and education.

The sale of custom engraved bricks in the walk of Old Library Park has been a major source of fund raising for PBGC since 1997. We hope you will buy one or more to honor family, friends, pets, special events, etc. -- which will support our work in the community. Thank you.
About Us
Since its beginning in 1927, Plum Beach Garden Club has been guided by our love of flowers, plants and trees, beautiful gardens and landscapes, birds, butterflies, and bees, and of all the other symbiotic elements of nature.
We have raised awareness of the fragility of our environment by promoting conservation and by sharing our passion and knowledge with others. Through these efforts, we strive to enrich our lives and the lives of others.
We are a 501c3 non-profit organization and a Class 2 Garden Club as defined by the National Garden Clubs. This designation limits our membership to 44 active and associate members. In addition, we recognize five honorary members for their long-standing dedication to the Club.
2022-2023 Officers
President..........................Andrea Sarrasin
1st Vice President..............Sue Smith
2nd Vice Presidents............Elaine Lemieux
Marsha King
Darlene Vincent
Treasurer..........................Barbara Dawson
Recording Secretary...........Donnalee Fronce
Corresponding Secretary.....Judith Bitting
Members At Large..............Betty Sue Reed & Anne O'Neil
Committee Chairpersons/Co-Chairs
Awards and Grants............Jocelyne Metivier
Birds/Conservation............Diane Devine
Brick Sales.......................Judith Bitting
Civic Beautification............Linda Sollitto & Sheila Skiffington
Communications...............Kathleen Romeo & Becky Dower
Website.......................Gail Stokes & Kathy Barrette
Social Media.................Pat Morgan & Sue Smith
Yearbook......................Kathy Barrette & Sue Smith
Publicity.......................Sue Colby
Design.............................Brenda Johnston & Sue Smith
Daffodil Program...............Barbara Halavik
Historian/Photographer.......Linda Tammaro & Jill Motte
Horticulture......................Betsy Coghlin & Anne O’Neil
Hospitality........................Sue Smith
Membership......................Sharon Pickering & Betty Sue Reed
Nursing Home Project........Diana Geisler
Programs.........................Elaine Lemieux/Marsha King/Darlene Vincent
Publicity...........................Linda Hughes & Andrea Sarrasin
Special Projects................Joan Peet
Ways and Means...............Sheila Skiffington
Youth Education.................TBA
Plum Beach Garden Club is a member of the following organizations:
Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Rhode Island Wild Plant Society
Rhode Island Tree Council
Audubon Society of Rhode Island