Plum Beach Garden Club
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Plum Beach Garden Club
is a group of
gardeners dedicated
to community
and education.

The sale of custom engraved bricks in the walk of Old Library Park has been a major source of fund raising for PBGC since 1997. We hope you will buy one or more to honor family, friends, pets, special events, etc. -- which will support our work in the community. Thank you.

A Tribute
To Veterans
Plum Beach Garden Club is grateful for the contributions that support the maintenance of the gardens that surround the Blue Star Memorial By-Way marker at the entrance to Wickford Village. The three traffic islands at the intersection of Route 1 and West Main Street were selected in 2009 to be part of the network of thousands of Blue Star Memorial locations across America honoring the Armed Forces of America, past and present. This continues to be one of the most ambitious projects of PBGC – more than $50,000 was raised to create these gardens and it costs thousands to maintain each year. Thank you for the support that enables this lasting tribute to our veterans.